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You're eating enough to sustain your active lifestyle, are working on getting enough calories from the five major food groups, and focusing on eating whole, natural foods (Blog Post 1). Now more on how to eat!
Throughout the Day
For a steady supply of energy, eat 3 to 5 meals throughout the day. Try to include items from each of the five food groups in your main meals in the following caloric proportions: "40-70% carbohydrates" (from grains, vegetables, and fruits), "20-40% healthy fats, and 15-25% protein" (Runner's World, Performance Nutrition for Runners, by Matt Fitzgerald). Remember to stay hydrated.
Before Your Run
Depending on when you run and the intensity and duration, what and how much you eat can vary! Eat at least 90 minutes before runs longer than 30 minutes and avoid high calorie, high fiber, and high-fat foods too soon before a run.
During Your Run
Additional fuel isn't typically needed for runs shorter than 90 minutes. However, some athletes may benefit from having 30-60 g of simple carbohydrates (gels/bars) for additional energy after 40 minutes of running--especially when racing (Nancy Clark; Jeff Galloway). Consider stopping for water breaks on hot days or carrying water with you.
After Your Run
Jumpstart your recovery with a well-balanced meal within 2 hours after running. If you weigh yourself before and after running, aim to promptly replace 1.5x the water weight lost: "1 pound of sweat (16 ounces) means replacing 24 ounces of fluids ("